Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Many things to Update!

So I've fallen behind on a lot of the blog posts I wanted to do in the last month.

Update 1
My last post announced that the triplets CT2 were expecting has arrived much earlier than expected. Although it hasn't all been smooth sailing, they are doing quite well. One of the boys is now breathing without any assistance and the other had to be but back on the CPAP. They are both over 3lbs now. The little girls has had a few more difficulties. She is still intubated and had another complication. Thankfully that complication has mended itself and they are able to start giving her some milk. All in all they are doing quite well and are now 3 weeks old.

Update 2
CT1 were expecting twins and they arrived exactly a week after the triplets less one hour. Two very healthy little girls. They have been home for about a week and a half. It's busy but they have a lot of support. C is a teacher so he'll be off work soon enough to help more.

Update 3
This isn't really an update but rather just another story I'd like to tell. It shook me and I can't not post about it. About a week and a half ago, I had to make a phone call that I had never wished to make. I had to call 911. I had gone to visit my sisters so we took all of our kids to the park. On our way home, we got separated a little, so one of my sisters was standing at a corner with some of the older kids waiting for us to catch up so that we could all cross together. My 4.5 year old niece darted out into the street as a motorcyclist was driving by. It was horrific! The accident has played over it my mind about a million times. I called 911 and they responded quite quickly. My niece was conscious and talking or crying the entire time, which was a good sign. The was rushed to the hospital the find that almost every bone in the left leg was broken but there was no evidence of internal, neck or brain injuries. My niece was then air lifted to the city to wait for surgery. She was put back together and was able to come home a short time later. It was very emotional for our entire family but bones heal and we still have our N.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Triplets are here!!!!

My last post was full of good news and it keeps coming.

The triplets (CT2) were born last week at only 29.5 weeks gestation. Two boys and a teeny tiny little girl. There had always been a concern with the functioning of the little girl's cord. At CT2's last appointment, they made the hard decision to deliver the babies for fear of losing their little girl. They were delivered safely via C-section. They are on varying degrees of support simply because they were so early. There have been a couple hiccups but as of today they are all doing wonderfully. They'll be in the hospital for a while but we pray that they continue to thrive.

We are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of our twin niece(s) and/or nephew(s). Any day now!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Happy Heart

2014 is turning out to be an event filled year for N's entire family. Everyone seem to have something going on.

His parents are building a house starting this spring. It will beautiful and amazing, although they probably won't actually move until 2015.

N's youngest brother and his fiancé (we'll call them NJ) are getting married in August. It should be great fun and I am looking forward to seeing K bust a move on the dance floor.

Two of the biggest events of 2014, though, will be the birth of twins and triplets from the other two brothers and their wives (we'll call them CT1 and CT2). And, yes, you read that correctly. One sister-in-law is currently pregnant with TWINS (29 weeks) and another is currently pregnant with TRIPLETS (21 weeks). Due to the high risk nature of their pregnancies, they will likely be born within a month and a half of each other.
We are so thankful that they are all looking healthy, especially since it wasn't easy for CT1 and CT2 to get to this point.
K is incredibly excited for some new cousins and is always talking about how we are waiting for babies. She says that she will help feed them, change their diapers, cook supper and do laundry. I'm most excited to hear the names that everyone comes up with. It's my favorite part when babies are born (after hearing they are healthy).

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Another DIY - but I can't take credit

Last fall, I dragged N and my brother to the movie theater to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.

After seeing it, I simply needed a copy of Katniss' wool vest that she wears hunting. After a few hours on Pinterest and Google, I found several patterns. Here is the problem....I neither knit nor crochet!

But my mother-in-law does! I asked her if she could try to make one for me and she said sure but not until after Christmas.

She finished it at the end of January
 and has since made on for my sister-in-law and plans on making some for my other two sister-in-laws! She did have to modify the pattern quite a bit because the sizing was wonky. I can't seem to find the link at the moment.

So here she is... my Katniss Cowl Vest

Thursday, February 6, 2014

So Thankful

This is a very busy time of year, both for myself at work and for N on the farm.

The firm that I work for has several audits that need to be completed, then into T4 season and then on to personal taxes. I find the audits the hardest because there is a lot of travelling out of the office. Our routine falls to pieces because I usually have to leave earlier than normal and come back later. The work is also more mentally tiring.

N has been busy hauling grain so he is putting in a lot of ours as well. They've had issues with all the snow and some equipment. It has been slow going to say the least.

Finally getting to the point of my post.

I am extremely thankful that we live close to both our parents. They are very supporting of both our careers. They help us out so much. I don't think they will ever understand how much we appreciate them! Both our moms have flexible schedules and are available to watch K when it just doesn't make sense to send her to the day home. Not only are they there for K but they are also there whenever we need help with something, whether it's painting, a sewing project or stockpiling the freezer for busy season.

I simply cannot express how much I love our families!!!!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Potty training update!

It's been a couple weeks since I took a week off work to potty train K. She did wonderfully that week and has continued on the same path! She has only been to her day home for one week then I went on the audit trail so she's been spending the day with Grandma. That first week at the day home went well. I think she had two accidents the entire week. Our day home provider has her hands full with two new one year olds so I knew that K would have to be patient while everyone learns and adjusts to each other. We were in my hometown all weekend last weekend watching some curling and my mom was so impressed that K never slipped up. She would ask to go to the washroom everywhere we went. She did have an accident on Sunday during her nap but that was more my fault about not communicating with my mom (who was taking her home for a nap) about the last time she went. Fortunately that was her last accident, although we still use a diaper at night. K asked a couple nights ago to wear underwear to bed but it didn't go well. We'll wait a bit.

I am so so so so so proud of my little girl!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Potty Training

K turned two last week and this week I took off of work to potty train K. Almost everyone that I told that I was taking holiday time to potty train my daughter looked at me like I was crazy. My day home provider was very appreciative of the it though. She'd never had a parent take time off for potty training, plus she just started two new little ones at the beginning of January. She was scared that she wouldn't be able to devote as much attention as required to K for potty training.

I didn't really have a set plan. I read the 3-day method last fall and I found it to be a bit too extreme for me. Sunday morning we simply that she needed to start wearing underwear and to keep them dry. The first day and a half were pretty awful. I was quite discouraged. She didn't seem to care that she was going. That was until supper time on the second day. It was so awesome to see it click for her. She just beams when we tell her she did a great job telling us she had to go, that she kept her underwear dry and that she was going in the potty. I was doing treats at first but she doesn't even want them now. Crazy kid!

I hope the rest of the week continues in this direction. We have to leave the house on Friday so I hope she does ok.